Master’s Degree Programs
Master’s Degree Program
1. Qualifications for application
1)Non-Chinese citizen aged under 50 and in good health
2)with a degree equivalent to Bachelor degree or above
3)Certificate of HSK 4 or above for program taught in Chinese; relative language proficiency certificate is required for other language teaching program
4)Abide by Chinese laws and regulations , school rules and regulations, respect Chinese customs and traditions, and have the ability to complete study task
2. Required documents
please submit all the scanned copies of following documents, and submit the original copies when register at school
1) Download and fill out(application form for international students to study at YBU)
2) 6 2inch photos with white background and electronic version (3.5cm*5.3cm, not less than 320*240 pixels, size 100-500Kb, JPG format)
3)Photo page of valid passport
4)Registered permanent residency
5)Certificate of Bachelor Degree
6) Original copy of transcripts of Bachelor Degree
7)A copy of the Certificate of Language Proficiency (certificate of HSK4 or relative teaching language proficiency)
8)Study Plan (Not less than 1000 words , must be written in Chinese or English)
9)Two recommendation letters from professors (must be written in Chinese or English)
10) Certificate of Employment (if you are currently working or have worked before)
11) Certificate of employment of financial sponsor
1. Applicants may be asked to submit supplementary notarized documents and physical exam result when needed for evaluation. whether accepted or not, all application documents are non-refundable.
2. All the original copies of required application documents must be submitted when register at school. Any forged documents founded will cause rejection of admission before or when register at school.
3. Application Methods
Method 1.Online Application
Method 2. Mail your documents through EMS or DHL or send via email at
Address: International Students Office, Department of International Exchange and Cooperation, Yanbian University, No. 977, Gongyuan Road, Yanji, Jilin Province, China
4. Semester's Schedule
1) 1st Semester (Fall Semester): Start at the beginning of September-end in the end of December; (during week 16-17 : exam week and closing ceremonies)
2) 2nd Semester (Spring Semester): Start at the end of February-end in the end of June (during week 16-17 : exam week and closing ceremonies)
5. Registration Period
Register at Foreign Students Office on before September starts . (please refer to academic calendar)
6. Major List
Major list of Master’s Degree Program Duration:2-3 years;Teaching Language:Chinese |
序号 | 专业名称 | Program Name |
1 | 日语语言文学 | Japanese Language and Literature |
2 | 外国语言学及应用语言学 | Linguistics and Applied Linguistics in Foreign Languages |
3 | 英语语言文学 | English Language and Literature |
4 | 亚非语言文学 | Asian-African Languages and Literatures |
5 | 汉语言文字学 | Chinese Language and Characters |
6 | 文艺学 | Theory of Literature and Art |
7 | 语言学及应用语言学 | Linguistics and Applied Linguistics |
8 | 中国古典文献学 | Ancient Chinese Philology |
9 | 中国古代文学 | Ancient Chinese Literary |
10 | 中国现当代文学 | Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature |
11 | 比较文学与世界文学 | Comparative Literature and World Literature |
12 | 世界经济 | World Economy |
13 | 西方经济学 | Western Economics |
14 | 人口、资源与环境经济学 | Population, Resource and Environmental Economics |
15 | 中国少数民族经济 | Economies of Chinese Minority Ethnicities |
16 | 民族学 | Ethnonymics |
17 | 马克思主义民族理论与政策 | Marxist Ethnic Theory and Policy |
18 | 中国少数民族史 | Chinese Ethnic History |
19 | 中国少数民族艺术 | Chinese Ethnic Art |
20 | 企业管理 | Enterprise Management |
21 | 会计学 | Accounting |
22 | 旅游管理 | Tourism Management |
23 | 技术经济管理 | Technological Economic Management |
24 | 机械设计及理论 | Machinery Design and Theory |
25 | 计算机应用技术 | Applied Computer Technology |
26 | 结构工程 | Structural Engineering |
27 | 基础数学 | Basic Mathematics |
28 | 理论物理 | Theoretical Physics |
29 | 光学 | Optics |
30 | 凝聚态物理 | Condensed Matter Physics |
31 | 分析化学 | Analytical Chemistry |
32 | 有机化学 | Organic Chemistry |
33 | 物理化学 | Physical Chemistry |
34 | 高分子化学与物理 | Polymeric Chemistry and Physics |
35 | 人文地理学 | Human Geography |
36 | 自然地理学 | Physical Geography |
37 | 地理学与地理信息系统 | Cartography and Geographic Information Systems |
38 | 外国哲学 | Foreign Philosophies |
39 | 中国哲学 | Chinese Philosophies |
40 | 国际政治 | International Politics |
41 | 世界史 | World History |
42 | 专门史 | History of Particular Subjects |
43 | 教育学原理 | Educational Principle |
44 | 课程与教学论 | Curriculum and Teaching Methodology |
45 | 比较教育学 | Comparative Education |
46 | 教育技术学 | Educational Technology |
47 | 宪法学与行政法学 | Constitutional Law and Administrative Law |
48 | 刑法学 | Penal Law |
49 | 民商法学 | Civil law and commercial law |
50 | 诉讼法学 | Sicience of Procedure Laws |
51 | 经济法学 | Economic Law |
52 | 体育教育训练学 | Theory of Sports Pedagogy and Training |
53 | 体育人文社会学 | Humane and Sociological Science of Sports |
54 | 民族传统体育学 | Science of Ethnic Traditional Sports |
55 | 作物栽培学与耕作学 | Arable Framing and Cultivation |
56 | 作物遗传育种 | Crop Genetic Breeding |
57 | 果树学 | Pomology |
58 | 蔬菜学 | Olericulture |
59 | 动物遗传育种与繁殖 | Animal Genetic Breeding and Reproduction |
60 | 动物营养与饲料科学 | Animal Nutrition and Forage Science |
61 | 特种经济动物饲养 | Science of Raising Special Economic Animals |
62 | 基础兽医学 | Basic Veterinary Medicine |
63 | 预防兽医学 | Preventive Veterinary Medicine |
64 | 音乐与舞蹈学 | Museology and Dancing Arts |
65 | 美术学 | Fine Arts |
66 | 艺术设计 | Artistic Design |
67 | 生理学 | Physiology |
68 | 生物化学与分子生物学 | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology |
69 | 人体解剖与组织胚胎学 | Human Anatomy Histology and Embryology |
70 | 免疫学 | Immunology |
71 | 病原生物学 | Pathogenic Organisms |
72 | 病理学与病理生理学 | Pathology and Pathophysiology |
73 | 法医学 | Forensic Medicine |
74 | 内科学 | Internal Medicine |
75 | 儿科学 | Pediatrics |
76 | 皮肤病与性病学 | Dermatology and Venereology |
77 | 影像医学与核医学 | Imaging and Nuclear Medicine |
78 | 临床检验诊断学 | Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics |
79 | 外科学 | Surgery |
80 | 妇产科学 | Gynaecology |
81 | 眼科学 | Ophthalmology |
82 | 耳鼻咽喉科学 | Otolaryngology |
83 | 肿瘤学 | Oncology |
84 | 麻醉学 | Anaesthesiology |
85 | 急诊医学 | Emergency Medicine |
86 | 卫生毒理学 | Hygienic Toxicology |
87 | 中西医结合临床 | Combined Traditional Chinese and Western Clinical Medicine |
88 | 药物化学 | Pharmaceutical Chemistry |
89 | 药剂学 | Pharmaceutics |
90 | 生药学 | Bio-Pharmacy |
91 | 药物分析学 | Pharmaceutical Analysis |
92 | 药理学 | Pharmacology |
93 | 护理学 | Nursing |
94 | 马克思主义基本原理 | Basic Principles of Marxism |
95 | 马克思主义发展史 | History of Marxism |
96 | 马克思主义中国化研究 | Marxism-Sinicization Research |
97 | 思想政治教育 | Ideological and Political Education |
98 | 中国近现代史基本问题研究 | Study on the Basic Problems of Modern China History |