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Application Guide for Internet Account

1. 学生持照原件来国际学生公室申请网络账号

Visit international students office with your passport for internet application.

2. 国际学生公室学生在照复印件上盖“网请专用章”

Get your passport copied and stamped with internet ID application information in international student office.

3. 照原件及盖章的照复印件至位于延大学学生服中心的中国营业开通

Visit China Telecom Company located in student service center of campus to apply for an ID, with your passport and stamped copy of your passport.

4. 网络账号为学生号

Your internet id must be your student number.

5. 在营业厅选择上网套餐 

Choose your package in company.

6. 在营业厅缴纳费用,用微信或现金支付

Pay for your package in cash or by wechat pay.