I can safely recommend Yanbian University to everyone!-索菲亚
2019-07-23 阅览:

I always wanted to study in  China . Even when I was in high school, I heard a lot of positive comments from friends and acquaintances about Yanbian  University in Yanji. A year before graduation, I came here for summer language courses,where I was able to fully immerse myself in the learning environment of this University.

I really liked the educational process, and at that time I was getting very interested in the Chinese language and culture of this country. So after school graduation, I no doubt chose Yanbian  University, what I did not regret. The peculiarity of our University is that with native speakers we can learn not only Chinese but also Korean,at the same time plunging into the culture of  China  and  Korea . A lot of activities and events are provided as well to keep students involved and entertained. University provides great support and focuses on each and every single student to ensure that everyone is doing their very best. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time studying at Yanbian University and believe it was the best choice for me. It has provided me with so many opportunities which has been great for my CV and personal growth. 

I can safely recommend Yanbian  University to everyone, I am sure you will not regret your choice!

留学生 索菲亚