2021-06-03 阅览:

In 2016, I arrived at Yanbian University from Nepal with a scholarship from  Jilin provincial government inorder to pursue my master’s degree in Gynecology and Obstetrics. At the beginning I found it difficult because of the language barrier, but at the same time it was also  an opportunity to learn not only Chinese but also to have an idea of Korean language and culture.

Yanbian University has a state of the art infrastructure. It has provided us with all the necessities of student life, be it comfortable dormitory with a kitchen and study room,  excellent heating system during winter, a well stocked library, or a gym,swimming pool and  sports fields, all to keep our minds and bodies active.

Yanbian University is not only a place to study and earn a degree, throughout the years it also became my 2nd home. I met great people that became my friends, friends that turned into family, and good teachers who were always willing to help. Wherever I am in the coming days, this university will always be a big part of  who I am, and the moments I have created here are ones I will always cherish. I am proud and honored to call myself a graduate of Yanbian University 2019.


                                                                                          Manju B.C

曼珠 尼泊尔籍

2019 医学妇产科硕士毕业